Title: Dr.
Name: Arnold Mathias Kihaule
School: School of Spatial Planning and Social Sciences (SSPSS)
Department: Economics and Social Studies
Role: Senior Lecturer
Current Summarized CV:
Arnold M. Kihaule (PhD) is a senior lecturer at the Department of Economics and Social Studies in the School of Spatial Planning and Social Sciences at Ardhi University, since 2015. He holds BA (Econ), UDSM, MA (Econ) UDSM lic.rer.reg, Technical University, Karlsruhe, PhD (Economics and Finance) Curtin University of Technology. His areas of research interest are health economics and monetary theory and policy. Moreover, he has done consultancies in the areas of local economic development and banking sector.
Research and Publications:
Completed research:
Determinants of Rural Household Purchase of Micro Health Insurance plans in Tanzania, 2016, research funded by African Economic Research Consortium; Determinant of Erdely Households Membership in Micro Health insurance and Utilization in Moshi District, research funded by Sida, 2018;
Ongoing research:
Financing water infrastructure in urban area through development financial institutions in Tanzania.
Published papers
Email: arnold.kihaule@aru.ac.tz
Mobile: 0752930303