Bachelor of Science in Urban and Regional Planning (BSc URP)
i) Direct entry (Form VI) Qualification Two principal passes in the following subjects: Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Advanced Mathematics, Geography, Economics, Commerce or Accountancy. In addition, an applicant must have at a least a subsidiary pass in Advanced Mathematics at A-Level or at least “D” grade in Mathematics at O-Level.
ii) Equivalent Qualifications Diploma or Full Technician Certificate (FTC) in Rural Development with an average of “B” or a minimum GPA of 3.0.
Duration: Four years (8 Semesters)
Department: Urban and Regional Planning (URP)
Key areas of competencies
Job Opportunities Urban managers, Urban planners, Regional planners, Urban designers, Land use planners, Urban policy and guideline makers, Environmental experts, Transport planners Heritage conservers
Employment institutions Local government Authorities, Government ministries, private companies, United Nation organization such as UN-HABITAT, UNESCO, Research Organizations (NGOs, CBOs, Companies etc.), Real estate developers, Urban conservation agencies. Research institutions, Higher learning institutions academic staffs.
Bachelor of Science in Regional Development Planning (B.Sc. RDP)
i) Direct entry (Form VI) Qualification Two principal passes in the following subjects: Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Advanced Mathematics, Geography, Economics, Commerce or Accountancy. In addition, an applicant must have at least a subsidiary pass in Advanced Mathematics at A-Level or at least a “D” grade in Mathematics at O-Level.
ii) Equivalent Qualifications Diploma or Full Technician Certificate (FTC) in Development Planning and Rural Development with an average of “B” or a minimum GPA of 3.0.
Job Opportunities Urban planner, Regional planners, land use planners, village planners, Urban planners, Local government Authorities and Community facilitator
Employment institutions Government ministries, local government Authorities Land use planning commission, Private companies, United Nation organization such as UN-HABITAT, UNESCO, Research Organizations (NGOs, CBOs, and Companies etc.), Research institutions, and Higher learning institutions academic staffs.
Bachelor of Science in Housing and Infrastructure Planning (B.Sc. HIP)
Direct entry (Form VI) Qualification Two principal passes in the following subjects: Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Advanced Mathematics, Geography, Economics, Commerce or Accountancy. In addition, an applicant must have at least a subsidiary level pass in Advanced Mathematics at A-Level or at least a “D” grade in Mathematics at O-Level.
ii) Equivalent Qualifications Diploma or Full Technician Certificate (FTC) in Housing and Infrastructure Planning with an average of “B” or a minimum GPA of 3.0.
Job Opportunities Housing experts, Infrastructure planners, infrastructure designers, infrastructure managers, estates managers, infrastructure economist, infrastructure coordinator, infrastructure project coordinator, housing development project managers, urban planners, GIS experts, transport planners
Employment institutions Research Organizations (NGOs, CBOs, Research institutions, Higher learning institutions academic staffs. Municipal councils (Local Government) Ministry Industries Private Sectors, Universities and Research institutions.
Bachelor of Arts in Economics (BA.Econ.)
i) Direct entry (Form VI) Qualification Two principal passes in the following subjects: Physics, Chemistry, Advanced Mathematics, Economics, Geography, History, Commerce or Accountancy. One of the principal passes must be Economics. In addition, an applicant must have at least a subsidiary pass in Advanced Mathematics at A-Level or at least “D” grade in Mathematics at O-Level.
ii) Equivalent Qualifications Diploma or Full Technician Certificate (FTC) in Business Studies or Community Economic Development with an average of “B” or a minimum GPA of 3.0.
Duration: Three years (6 Semesters)
Department: Department: Economics and Social Studies (ESS)
Job Opportunities Budget analysist, economic planners, economist, monitoring and evaluation experts, economic appraisal experts, researchers, policy makers, marketing officers, marketing managers, environmental economist, health economist, agricultural economist, transport economist, regulatory economist, business plan and investment analysist
Employment institutions Banking financial institution, all government ministries, private sectors , industrial sectors, commercial centres, research institutions, international organizations, tourism sectors, mining sectors , and many other institutions.
Bachelor of Arts in Community and Development Studies (BA. CDS)
Direct entry (Form VI) Qualification Two principal passes in the following subjects: Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Advanced Mathematics, Geography, Economics, History, Kiswahili, English Language, Commerce, Accountancy, Agriculture or Nutrition. In addition, an applicant must have at least a subsidiary pass in Advanced Mathematics at ALevel or at least “D” grade in Mathematics at O-Level.
ii) Equivalent Qualifications Diploma or Full Technician Certificate (FTC) in Community Development, Rural Development, Agriculture Extension with an average of “B” or a minimum GPA of 3.0. In addition, an applicant must have three credits or five passes at OLevel.
Job Opportunities Community development experts, Companies, Monitoring and evaluation experts, Team lenders in community development projects, Facilitators in community projects, awareness creation, etc.) Academicians
Employment institutions Research Organizations (NGOs, CBOs, Research institutions, Higher learning institutions academic staffs, Municipal councils (Local Government) Ministry Industries Private Sectors, Universities, Research institutions
Master of Science in Urban Planning and Management (MSc. UPM) -(By Coursework & Dissertation)
Entry Qualifications First or Second Class Bachelor’s Degree in Urban and Regional Planning (URP), Regional Development Planning (RDP) and Housing and Infrastructure Planning (HIP); or relevant qualifications from Programs offered by the Schools at ARU, Economics and Economic Planning. Upper Second Class or above Postgraduate Diploma in Urban and Regional Planning or Architecture or Land Management and Valuation or Environmental Engineering or relevant qualifications from Programs offered by the Schools at ARU, other related subject from a recognized university or institution of higher learning. Working experience of at least two years in a relevant field will be an added advantage.
Positive recommendations from two referees one from an academic institution where the candidate graduated and one from the practice. Candidates without sufficient background in urban and regional planning profession may be required to take additional courses offered in the undergraduate programs.
Master of Science in Urban and Regional Planning and Management (MSc. URPM) - (By Coursework & Dissertation)
Entry Qualifications First or Second Class Honours Bachelor’s Degree in Urban and Regional Planning or Architecture or Land Management and Valuation or Environmental Engineering or Building Economics or Land Surveying/Geomatics or Geography or Economics or Economic Planning or Public Administration or Business Administration and Postgraduate Diploma of the University of Dar es Salaam or any other recognized institution or any other relevant field. Experience of at least two years in a relevant field would be an added advantage. Positive recommendations from two referees.
This programme is currently supported by DAAD. Therefore, Tanzanian candidates aspiring for the DAAD scholarships would have their applications for sponsorship further scrutinized by a joint committee of SPRING partner universities and a DAAD representative or any sponsoring organization/institution as situation emerges.
PhD Programmes
Doctor of Philosophy in Urban and Regional Planning (PhD URP) – By Thesis Doctor of Philosophy in Urban Planning and Management (Housing and Infrastructure) (PhD UPM), - By Thesis Doctor of Philosophy in Economics (PhD Econ) – By Thesis Doctor of Philosophy in Urban and Regional Planning (By Coursework & Dissertation)
Entry Qualifications Relevant Master’s Degree of the Ardhi University or holder of equivalent standing Master’s Degree from a recognised University.
Short Courses. The School in collaboration with Centre for continuing Education (CCE) is also conducting Short courses in the following areas: