

Dr. Dawah Lulu Magembe-Mushi


Title: Dr.

Name: Dawah Lulu Magembe-Mushi

School: School of Spatial Planning and Social Sciences (SSPSS)

Department:  Department of Urban and Regional Planning

Rank: Senior Lecturer

 Current Summarized CV:

Dawah Lulu Magembe-Mushi (PhD), is currently Acting Head, CCE and Senior Lecturer in the School of Spatial Planning and Social Sciences, at Ardhi University since 2004. She has BSc in URP at UCLAS, MSc in URPM at UCLAS and UNIDO. She wrote her dissertations for Bachelors and Masters degrees on Women issues in planning. She also has Licentiate Degree in Infrastructure, Planning and Plan Implementation at KTH in Stockholm; did her PhD in UPM at Ardhi University, on Displacement and Resettlement of communities. She has experience in teaching, research and consultancy in Resettlement, Conservation, Gender, Regional Development, Participation and Small Towns. She has interest on gender, displacement and resettlement, conservation and other planning issues. Dawah is Registered Town Planner in TPRB of Tanzania, and Board Members (2016-2022), Member of SIADP. 

Research and Publications:

1. December,2008; Dawah Magembe-Mushi and John Modestus Lupala. The Role of Women Groups in Waste Management in Lake Victoria Basin Journal of Building and Land development. Vol.15 No. 1 & 2 pp 25 - 35

2. June, 2015; Dawah Magembe Mushi and John Modestus Lupala.  Resettling Displaced Residents from Regularised Informal Settlements in Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania: Challenges Faced by House Owners. Current Urban Studies, http://www.scirp.org/journal/cus http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/cus.2015.32007. Volume 3, pp 71-81

3. 2015; Dawah Magembe Mushi and John Modestus Lupala. Does Size Matter?  Displacement Processes Applied in Urban Development Projects in Dar es Salaam City. Ppublished in JBLB vol. 15 Journal of Building and Land development. Vol. 15               

4. Dawah Magembe Mushi. Displacement by the Displacees; Perceptions from Farm Owners in Resettlement for Airport Expansion Project, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Journal of Land Administration in East Africa. Volume 18, Issues I & 2 pp 87 – 104

5. November, 2018; Dawah Magembe-Mushi. Impoverishment Risks in DIDR in Dar es Salaam City: The Case of Airport Expansion Project. Current Urban Studies, 2018, http://www.scirp.org/journal/cus ISSN Online: 2328-4919 ISSN Print: 2328-4900 Vol. 6, No. 4 pp 433-454

6. 2018 Dawah Magembe- Mushi and Joel Msami; Institutional Overlap and Power Relations in Private-Led Regularization Projects in Informal Settlements:  The case of Gairo Town, Morogoro African Journal of Land Policy and Geospatial Sciences, ISSN2657-2664. Issue no 2 pp 114 -128

7. May, 2015 D. L. Magembe-Mushi, J. M. Lupala. Resettling Displaced Residents from Regularised Informal Settlements in Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania: Challenges Faced by House Owners. Current Urban Studies DOI: 10.4236/cus.2015.32007 Vol.3 No.2, pp 71-81

8. September, 2019; Dawah Magembe-Mushi and Ally Hassan Namangaya. Actors’ Influences on Land Use Planning Decisions in Small Towns: The Case of Geita, Gairo and Kibiti Towns in Tanzania (Presented in International conference on Small Towns, Salerno, Italy  September, 2019) Open Journal of Social Sciences, 2019, , http://www.scirp.org/journal/jss ISSN Online: 2327-5960 Vol. 7,  pp 172-190

9. May, 2020; Dawah Magembe-Mushi and Ally Namangaya. Planning Models for Small Towns in Tanzania. Policy Brief. Urban Health Journal Springers 2020      

10. September,2022;Kavishe,Neema,Sunday,Ndjovu,Magembe-Mushi, Dawah Lulu and Opoku, Alex. Challenges Confronting Environmental Impact Assessment Practices in Tanzania. Construction Industry Professionals’ Perspective In: Tutesigensi,A and Neilson, C J (Eds) Proceedings of the 38th Annual ARCOM Conference, 5-7 September 2022, Glasgow, UK, Association of Researchers in Construction Management pp 662-671

11. August, 2022; Dawah Magembe-Mushi and Ramadhani Matingas. Contribution of Local Authorities in Community Adaptive Capacity on Impacts of Climate Change; A Case of Sea Level Rise in Pangani Division, Pangani District. Presented in AAPS 5th Virtual Conference on 18th of November,2021 G. A. Gebregiorgis, S. Greiving, A. H. Namangaya & W. J. Kombe, eds. Planning Cities in Africa. The Urban Book. Cham: Springer pp 143–166


Email: dawah.mushi@aru.ac.tz,dimushi2000@yahoo.com,magembemushi@gmail.com

Mobile: 0754272730, 0786272756.