

Dr. Edson Ephraim Sanga


Title: Dr.

Name: Edson Ephraim Sanga

School: School of Architecture, Construction Economics and Management (SACEM)

Department:  Department of Architecture

Role: Lecturer

Current Summarized CV:

Dr. Edson Ephraim Sanga is a lecturer in the School of Architecture Construction Economics and Management (SACEM) at Ardhi University since 2008. He holds PhD double degrees in landscape planning from Swedish University of agricultural sciences SLU, and in urban design from Ardhi University 2022. He also attained a Masters degree in Human Settlement from the Katholieke Universiteit, Leuven in 2010, and Bachelor of Architecture with an honors degree from the University of Dar es Salaam in 2007. He has experience in teaching and supervising dissertations at postgraduate and undergraduate levels. Dr. Sanga is also actively involved in research and has some publications in referred journals.

 Research and Publications:


Email: edson.sanga@aru.ac.tz, archsanga@gmail.com

Mobile: 0755843060, 0735843060