

Dr. Ephraem Epafra Silayo


Title: Dr.

Name: Ephraem Epafra Silayo

Directorate:  Library Services

Current Summarized CV:

Dr. Ephraem E.Silayo is a Librarian. Currently, he is the Acting Director of Library services. He holds a PhD and a Master degree in information studies, B.A. in Fine and Performing Arts (UDSM), a Diploma and certificate in Education (Marangu Teacher’s College). Apart from Library duties, Dr. Silayo teaches and supervises student’s researches in SPSS. He has undertaken researches and has published in areas of Information, poverty Alleviation and entrepreneurship. A full list of his citations can be accessed at Google Scholar.

 Research and Publications:


Email: ephraem.silayo@aru.ac.tz,ephraemsilayo20@gmail.com

Mobile: 0655267370