Title: Dr.
Name: Kissoly Luitfred Donacian
School: School of Spatial Planning and Social Sciences (SSPSS)
Department: Economics and Social Studies
Role: Lecturer
Current Summarized CV:
Luitfred D. Kissoly (PhD) is currently a Lecturer in the Department of Economics and Social Studies, under the School of Spatial Planning and Social Sciences (SSPSS) at Ardhi University. He holds a B.A and M.A in Economics, both from the University of Dar es Salaam, and a PhD in Development Economics from the Gottfried Wilhelm Leiniz University of Hannover, Germany. His PhD research focused on the food security implications of smallholders’ integration in agricultural value chains. Apart from teaching undergraduate and postgraduate courses, he undertakes research and consulting on diverse areas within development economics. His key areas of interest and expertise include, among others, the economics of food security, agri-food value chains, urban food systems, community and household-level welfare analysis, and related aspects of development economics.
Ongoing research:
Links for research/publications: Google Scholar/Luitfred Kissoly , Researchgate/Luitfred Kissoly
Email: kissoly.donacian@aru.ac.tz, kissolyluit@gmail.com
Mobile: 0767493093