Title: Mr.
Name: Atanas Matei Ndunguru
School: School of Spatial Planning and Social Sciences (SSPSS)
Department: Economics and Social Studies
Role: Tutorial Assistant
Current Summarized CV:
Atanas Matei Ndunguru, is a Tutorial Assistant in the School of Spatial Planning and Social Sciences, at Ardhi University since 2022. He has Bachelor’s degree in English Language and Education Management from Mzumbe University. He wrote his dissertation for Bachelor’s degree on Management of students’ Discipline in Secondary Schools. He has experience in teaching before he joined Ardhi University; after completing his bachelor’s degree in 2013, he worked as a Tutor at Nazareth Teachers’ College. He also worked in President’s Office, Regional Administration and Local Government as secondary teacher for eight years from 2014. Atanas has specialized in English Language and Education Management. He has interest in Language studies.
Research and Publications:
Email: atanas.ndunguru@aru.ac.tz, atanasndunguru@gmail.com
Mobile: 0753103230, 0620365174