Title: Mr.
Name: Brian Ayubu Akida
School: School of Spatial Planning and Social Sciences (SSPSS)
Department: Economics and Social Studies
Role: Assistant Lecturer
Current Summarized CV:
Brian Akida is a Sociologist, Development expert, social-economic researcher, and an assistant lecturer in the School of Spatial Planning and Social Sciences at Ardhi University. He holds an M.A. in Sociology and M.A. in Development Studies from the University of Dar Es Salaam and the University of Dodoma respectively. Over the last ten years, he has specialized in Teaching, Research, Project Management, Community Empowerment, Training, Career Guidance and Counselling, and Environmental Planning (Resettlement Action Plans, Livelihood Restoration Plans, and Livelihood Impact Assessments).
Research and Publications:
Jesse, A., & Akida, B. (2022). Parents - Children Communication on Sexual and Reproductive Health: A Case of Secondary School Students in Kinondoni Municipality, Dar es Salaam. The Journal of Building and Land Development, 23(2), 13-25.
Email: brian.akida@aru.ac.tz, brianakida@gmail.com
Mobile: 0713855332