

Mr. Curthbert Zofari Njele


Title: Mr.

Name: Curthbert Zofari Njele

School: School of Spatial Planning and Social Sciences (SSPSS)

Department:  Department of Urban and Regional Planning

Rank: Tutorial Assistant

Current Summarized CV:

Mr. Curthbert Zofari Njele Is a Tutorial Assistant in the Department of Urban and Regional Planning (URP), School of Spatial Planning and Social Sciences (SSPSS) at Ardhi University (ARU). He holds bachelor degree (BSc) in Housing and Infrastructure Planning from Ardhi University. Prior to his current employment at Ardhi University, he has served in various institutions, which, among others include Aru Built Environment Consulting Company Ltd (ABECC) and the Ministry of Lands, Housing and Human Settlement Development (MLHHSD). His aspiration is in enhancing  technological advancements in effectively managing urban settings, specifically, Housing and/or Physical Infrastructure and that he is looking forward to deepen his knowledge and expertise accordingly. 

Research and Publications:



Email: curthbert.njele@aru.ac.tz, curthbertnjele75@gmail.com

Mobile: 0683489495, 0766272349