Title: Mr.
Name: Ramadhani Hashim Matingas
School: School of Spatial Planning and Social Sciences (SSPSS)
Department: Department of Urban and Regional Planning
Rank: Tutorial Assistant
Current Summarized CV:
Ramadhani Hashim Matingas is a tutorial assistant at the School of Spatial Planning and Social Sciences at Ardhi University. He is also currently an MSc. student at the Institute of Resource Assessment of the University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM). He holds a BSc in Regional Development Planning from Ardhi University.
His research interests focus on climate change, natural resources, ecosystem management, spatial planning, rural development, and land tenure. Matingas has participated in several community outreach and consultancy services through Ardhi University. He is currently engaged in a community outreach project aiming at improving land tenure security for more than 40,000 residents in the Mbarali District.
Research and Publications:
Magembe-Mushi, D. & Matingas, R., 2022. Contributions of Local Authorities to Community Adaptive Capacity to Impacts of Climate Change; A Case Study of Sea Level Rise in Pangani Division, Pangani District. In: G. A. Gebregiorgis, S. Greiving, A. H. Namangaya & W. J. Kombe, eds. Planning Cities in Africa. The Urban Book. Cham: Springer, pp. doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-06550-7_8.
Email: ramadhani.matigas@aru.ac.tz , ramamatinga@gmail.com
Mobile: 0715125780