

Ms. Chrispina Julius Pangani


Title: Ms.

Name: Chrispina Julius Pangani

School: School of Architecture, Construction Economics and Management (SACEM)

Department:  Department of Interior Design

Role: Tutorial Assistant

Current Summarized CV:

Chrispina J. Pangani is a Tutorial Assistant in the School of Architecture Construction Economics and Management (SACEM) at Ardhi University (Dar es Salaam) since 2022. Ms. Chrispina holds a Bachelor Degree in Landscape Architecture at Ardhi in 2020. She is registered as a graduate landscape architect by the Architects and Quantity Surveyors Registration Board (AQRB) and as a graduate landscape architect by the Architects Association in Tanzania (AAT).

She has interest in landscape spatial organization and landscape sustainable materials.

 Research and Publications:


Email:chrispina.pangani@aru.ac.tz, chrispinapangani@gmail.com
