Title: Ms.
Name: Gwantwa Andreaw Mwakibete
School: School of Spatial Planning and Social Sciences (SSPSS)
Department: Department of Urban and Regional Planning
Rank: Tutorial Assistant
Current Summarized CV:
Gwantwa Andreaw Mwakibete is a tutorial Assistant at the School of Spatial Planning and Social Studies (SSPSS). She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Housing and Infrastructure Planning. In the course of her career, she has accumulated experience and expertise in the areas of GIS, remote sensing, and open data management through her participation in several community projects such as community mapping for flood resilience in Dar es Salaam city, Malaria Elimination in Zimbabwe, Mini Grids Project Tanzania & Zambia, Shina Mapping Dar es Salaam city, Facebook Road Import with Machine Learning data altogether.
Research and Publications:
Email: gwantwa.mwakibete@aru.ac.tz, gwantwaandrew@gmail.com
Mobile: 0656583728