Title: Ms.
Name: Happiness Jacob Mlula
School: School of Spatial Planning and Social Sciences (SSPSS)
Department: Department of Urban and Regional Planning
Rank: Assistant Lecturer
Current Summarized CV:
Ms. Happiness Jacob Mlula is an Assistant Lecturer at Ardhi University, Department of Urban and Regional Planning. She has a B.Sc. Degree in Urban and Regional Planning. She has also a MSc. Degree in Human Settlements. Happiness Mlula was employed at Ardhi University in 2008 and thus she has working experience of more than ten years. Her area of competencies includes Land Use Planning and Management, Housing and Infrastructure Planning and Management. Regional Planning, Urban Management, Detailed and General Planning Schemes and Urban Renewal, Governance of Informal urbanisms, Urban Land development control, and Environmental Management. She currently pursuing her PhD in Urban and Regional Planning with a specific focus on Water Governance in Urban Centers Exploring the Role of Local Actors and Institutional Dynamics in Domestic Water Governance.
Research and Publications:
Email: happiness.mlula@aru.ac.tz, hmlula@yahoo.com
Mobile: 0654548756, 0786548756.