

Ms. Jackline Salvatory Swai


Title: Ms.

Name: Jackline Salvatory Swai

School: School of Architecture, Construction Economics and Management (SACEM)

Department:  Department of Interior Design

Role: Tutorial Assistant

Current Summarized CV:

Jackline S. Swai is a Tutorial Assistant in the School of Architecture Construction Economics and Management (SACEM) at Ardhi University (Dar es Salaam) since 2022. Ms. Jackline completed her Degree in Landscape Architecture at Ardhi in 2019. Before joining Ardhi community, she worked at Tanzania Building Agency as a landscape architect. She has experience in consultancy and is a registered landscape architect with AQRB. She is the Industrial Training Coordinator for the Interior Design Department. Her research interests are in landscape urbanism, planning and water landscaping.

 Research and Publications:


Emailjackline.swai2@aru.ac.tz, swaijackline97@gmail.com
