

Ms. Janeth Erasto Kessy


Title: Ms.

Name: Janeth Erasto Kessy

School: School of Spatial Planning and Social Sciences (SSPSS)

Department:  Economics and Social Studies

Role: Tutorial Assistant

Current Summarized CV:

Janeth Erasto Kessy, is currently a Tutorial Assistant in the School of Spatial Planning and Social Sciences, at Ardhi University since 2018. She has a Bachelor of Arts in Economics at Ardhi University, Dar es Salaam. She wrote her dissertation for Bachelor degree on macroeconomic determinants of Capital flight in Tanzania. She has experience in teaching(assisting), conducting seminars, research and consultancy. She has interest on both microeconomic and macroeconomic matters such as gender matters, financial inclusion, agriculture and environment.

 Research and Publications:


Emailjaneth.kessy.aru.ac.tz, kessyjaja.jk@gmail.com

Mobile: 0652070802