

Ms. Joanitha John Ngowi


Title: Ms.

Name: Joanitha John Ngowi

School: School of Architecture, Construction Economics and Management (SACEM)

Department:  Department of Interior Design

Role: Tutorial Assistant

Current Summarized CV:

Joanitha John Ngowi, graduated as an Interior Design Architect from Ardhi University in Tanzania with Bachelor of Science degree in Interior Design in 2017. She is currently undertaking professional training under ABECC since June 2020. Apart from lecturing she is also participating in the projects under ABECC as a graduate architect. Before joining Ardhi University, Joanitha worked in a furniture industry as a designer, supervisor and interior design sales person. Recently, Joanitha has been involved in the construction supervision of Model Secondary School in Dodoma under the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology. Joanitha is also actively involved in research trainings and her current research interests include Adaptive Re-use, Sustainable Interior design and Lighting.

 Research and Publications:


Emailjoanitha.john@aru.ac.tz, joanithajohn@gmail.com
