

Prof Ally Namangaya


Title: Prof.

Name: Ally Namangaya

School: School of Spatial Planning and Social Sciences (SSPSS)

Department:  Department of Urban and Regional Planning

Rank: Professor

 Current Summarized CV:

Prof. Ally Namangaya has been trained and is practising as a land-use  planner.  He  is an associate professor at Ardhi University. He obtained his PhD at TU Dortmund University in  2010.  He is from January 2023 a Deputy Vice Chancellor-Planning, Finance and Administration at Ardhi University. He  has  conducted  several  research projects  and published them in peer-reviewed journals. His publications have  focused  on  urban

competitiveness  and  land-based financing; GIS as linked to spatial planning; rural land-use conflicts; community-based natural  resource  management and linking rural communities in tourism value chains. He has a wide experience in community engagement and land use planning   for   out-grower   development   projects through working with PAMS Foundation, Eid environment, Eco-Energy and SAGCOT. In Urban planning practice, he has led the preparation of master plans for Kibaha, Geita and Morogoro and several neighbourhoods and institutional master plans (estate development plans). He has worked in an advisory capacity and urban researcher in spatial data, urban laws and planning guidelines and local government revenue enhancement. Prof. Namangaya has been the Dean of the School of Spatial Planning and Social Sciences from

2016-June 2022. He has ongoing collaborative research with HCU University in Germany, the University of Dortmund in Germany, and SLU University in Sweden. He is a Fully Registered Town Planner with the Town Planners Registration Board and a member of the Town Planners Registration Board.


Membership of Professional Associations:

  • Registered Town Planners, Tanzania Town Planners Registration Board, and a Board Member 2016-2019 and 2019-2022
  • Spring International Association of Development Planners (SIADP) with head office in Dortmund, Germany
  • African Good Governance Network under DAAD organisation, Bonn, Germany
  • Town Planners Association
  • Member:  Association for Biosphere Reserve Research and Communication Research, Greifswald, Germany


  • From 2012-2015: head of Department, Department of Regional Housing and Infrastructure Planning at Ardhi University
  • From    2016-to  2022: Dean, School      of  Spatial  Planning   and   Social  Sciences  at Ardhi University
  • Board Member and Co-Founder PAMS FOUNDATION-  PAMS Foundation
  • From   2022- to date: Advisory Board Member, ICLEI Africa- Urban Natural Assets for Africa:Resilience & Restoration for Life, South Africa: https://cbc.iclei.org/project/una-resilience/
  • From January 2023- to date - Deputy Vice Chancellor, Planning, Finance and Administration at Ardhi University


Major Research Leadership:

  1. Principal Researcher (November 2020- to date) Research Title: “Transformation of Tanga City environment for productive development of Young and Adolescents health and wellbeing” Funded by Foundation BORTNAR and DLAB being the fund manager.
  2. Co-Researcher with Prof. Dr. Wolfang Dikhaut from HafenCity University of Hamburg (October 2019- to date): Implementation of  Water Sensitive Urban Design in Tanzania: Funded by the City of Hamburg.
  3. Co-Research Coordinator, 2017-2021: Governance and Planning of Resiliency Cities in East Africa (GOPLAREA): Jointly Between ARU and Tu-Dortmund. Funded by BMBF and DAAD, German Government.
  4. Research Coordinator. 2015-2020. Quest for Alternative Urban Planning Model Small Towns in Tanzanian, collaborating with SLU University Sweden. Under SIDA funding.
  5. Principal Researcher (Jan-July 2019) Research and recommendations to guide an upgrade of the Ministry of Lands, Housing and Human Settlements Development (MLHHSD) 2007 Tanzania Planning Guidelines. ICLEI South Africa.
  6. Co-Researcher with Mary Grace Weber and Chyi Yun (2017-2018): Implementation Effectiveness of Master Plans and Detailed Plan; the case of seven major cities: Funded by the World Bank.
  7. Research Coordinator on land use section.  2011-to 2014. Research on Land Use Planning and Integrated Waste Management for Tanzania small Towns, Conducted in partnership with Local urban authorities and under the funding of WaterAid.
  8. Technical Coordinator from 2011-2013:  State of Tanzania Cities and Capacity Building programme formulation, Supported by cities alliance for 5 African countries. Eight cities and municipalities are covered in Tanzania.
  9. Co-Researcher-With partners from central government and local authority 2013-14. Promoting Urban climate change Resilience-study of issues and practice in Tanzania cities. Under World Bank funding through TACINE.
  10. Researcher 20012-13. African Rural-City Connections: Rurban Africa: involved and Tanzania researcher in work package 3&4-Urban mobility and servicing. Under EU funding WITH the University of Copenhagen as a lead institution.


Peer-Reviewed Publications:

  1. Magembe-Mushi, D& Namangaya, A (2021) Planning Models for Small Towns in Tanzania, Urban Health and Wellbeing Programme; Policy Briefs: Volume 2: Springer
  2. Alem, G., & Namangaya, A. H. (2021). Households’ and Community Initiatives Towards City Resilience: The Case of Flood Resilience in Dar es Salaam. In African Cities Through Local Eyes (pp. 245-264). Springer, Cham.
  3. Namangaya, A. (2019) Determinants of Population Growth Trends for Tanzanian Small Towns, Urban and Regional Planning. 5(15), 16.
  4. Namangaya, A. & Mushi, D (2019) Influences on land use planning decisions in small towns: The case of Geita, Gairo and Kibiti towns in Tanzania, Open Journal of Social Sciences 7(7). 172-190
  5. Namangaya, A. (2019) Challenges in administering property value capture in Tanzanian cities, Open Journal of Business and Management 7: 1412-1428
  6. Namangaya, A., (2018) Practices in institutionalising GIS for revenue mobilisation: the case of secondary cities in Tanzania; Current Urban Studies, Volume 6 (4):  559-572
  7. Namangaya, A., & Kiunsi, R. (2018). Assessing the influences of service provision on pace and short and medium-term development patterns of residential housing in Dar es Salaam. Geografisk Tidsskrift-Danish Journal of Geography, 1-9.
  8. Namangaya, A. H., Andreasen, M. H., Agergaard, J., & Kiunsi, R. B. (2017). Urban Transformations, Migration and Residential Mobility Patterns in African Secondary Cities. Geografisk Tidsskrift-Danish Journal of Geography, 1-12.
  9. Namangaya, A. (2016). Community-Based Conservation and Poverty Alleviating: Rhetoric and Reality in Northern Tanzania Tourism Hub: International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Review 2 (2): 7-20
  10. Namangaya, A. and Kombe, W. (2016). Decentralisation and Urban Governance: Rhetoric and Practice in Tanzania; in Dick, E., Gaesing, K., Inkoom, D., & Kausel, T. (2016). Decentralisation and Regional Development. Experiences and. and Lessons from Four Continents over Three Decades" SPRINGER: 71-88
  11. Namangaya, A. (2020). Mismatch between Realities and Perceptions on Resource Scarcity among Local Resource Users: the Case Mnazi Bay Ruvuma Estuary Marine Park in Tanzania, Journal of Housing and Land Development. Volume. 20(1): 1-17
  12. Smout, I.,  R. Kiunsi, C. Ngouanet, M. Oteng-Ababio, J. Esson, J. Fisher, A. Yemmafouo, & A. Namangaya (2015). Acceptability of Urban Water, Sanitation, Electricity & Transport Services. 38th WEDC International Conference, On Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Services.
  13. Namangaya, A. (2014). Urban Spatial Planning and Local Economic Development: Comparative Assessment of Practice in Tanzanian Cities: International Journal of Business, Humanities and Technology Vol. 4 No. 6.
  14. Namangaya, A. (2013). A comparative assessment of the merits of master plans versus strategic urban plans in guiding land use development: The Journal of Building and Land Development, special issues: 21-37
  15. Namangaya, A. (2012). Evaluating the Essence of Zoning in Co-managed Marine Protected Areas: the case of Mnazi Bay Ruvuma Estuary Marine Park in Tanzania; in Gaesing, K and Schmidt-Kallert E. (2012) Reconciling Rural Livelihood and Biodiversity Conservation- SPRING Research series
  16. Namangaya, A. (2011) Resource Use Conflicts in Protected Coastal Areas, their Origin and Management Options: The Case of Mnazi Bay Ruvuma Estuary Marine Park, Tanzania. SPRING Research series Dortmund
  17. Namangaya, A., Kiunsi R., Lupala, J., Malele R., (2012). Study on Community Initiatives in Managing Urbanization and Risk Accumulation Processes: Lesson from Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. In Pelling, M., & Wisner, B. (2012). Disaster risk reduction: Cases from urban Africa. Routledge.


Capacity Building


Detailed Tasks Assigned:

Work Undertaken that Best Illustrates Capability to Handle the Tasks Assigned:

Urban Planning and Development Control Strengthening Project

  • Name of assignment or project: Urban Planning and Development Control Strengthening Project-Local team lead under ICLEI
  • Year: November  2020-May 2022
  • Client: PORALG-: cmariki@gmail.com, Phone:  0754980640
  • The main project features: Research on Urban planning and development control issues, drafting policy guidelines, Preparing training materials, and conducting training for officials in ministries, regional offices, councils and ward and mtaa levels
  • Positions held: Local team leader
  • Activities performed: Liaising with the ICLEI team in South Africa and working for them with the client in Tanzania in all phases, the client and other stakeholders

Urban master planning:


Urban Master planning -Geita

  • Name of assignment: Geita Town Master Plan
  • Year: endorsed by stakeholders awaiting submission to RAS Geita
  • Client: Geita Town Council, contact coordinator: OswaldK assian email: oswald4th@gmail.com Phone: 0766170752
  • Main project features: Preparation of a land-use master plan Geita Town in Geita, Tanzania
  • Positions held: Team Leader
  • Activities performed: Project execution, mapping, and coordination of the work with the client and other stakeholders

Urban Master Planning- Morogoro

  • Name of assignment or project: Morogoro Municipality Master Plan
  • Year: 2016-2020
  • Client: Morogoro Municipal Council, contact coordinator: Charles Mwakambaya  Email: crmwakambaya@yahoo.com, Phone: 07544783657
  • Main project features: Preparation of a land-use master plan Morogoro Municipality, Tanzania
  • Positions held: Team Leader
  • Activities performed: Project execution, mapping and coordination of the work with the client and other stakeholders

Urban Master Planning- Kibaha

  • Name of assignment or project: Kibaha Town Master Plan
  • Year: approved in December 2017
  • Client: Kibaha Town Council, contact coordinator: J. Nyamiti johnsonnyamiti@googlemail.com
  • Main project features: Preparation of a land-use master plan Kibaha Town in Kibaha, Tanzania
  • Positions held: Team Leader
  • Activities performed: Project execution, mapping and coordination of the work with the client and other stakeholders

Urban Flood Risks Analyst

  • Name of assignment or project: Mapping and analysis of climate change disaster resilience in Tanzanian cities
  • Year: December  2013 to March 2014:
  • Client: World Bank ,contact mobile: 0787442867 (TZ) ,  +1202 531 8881 (US) , email: amy.faust@gmail.com
  • Main project features: collect descriptive and spatial data on the climatic change flooding risks in cities.
  • Position  held: analysts
  •  Work  performed:  The  work  involved  preparing  final content, data collection tools and institutionalisation for analysis and adoption of the report. It involved capacity building for city staff on mapping and impacts of climate change.

GIS  and Remote Sensing:


Coastal Remote Sensing and Mapping

  • Name of assignment or project: Marine and Coastal Management Programme (MACEMP Land use Section) under NLUPC
  • Year: 2007
  • Client: National Land-use Planning Commission (NLUPC) director-general dg@nlupc.org,  by the director was G. Mango
  • Main project features: Preparation of GIS Maps from imagery data for the Rufiji, Mafia, Lindi and Kilwa
  • Positions held: Consultant
  • Activities performed: GIS mapping, Remote sensing
  • Activities performed: GIS mapping, Remote sensing, analysis and book writing

Remote Sensing Land Use/Land Cover Change Detection

  • Name of assignment or project: Sustainable Management Usangu Wetlands and its Catchments  (SMUWC) Project
  • Year: 2000
  • Client: Government of Tanzania through SMUWC Project
  • Main project features: Assessment of land cover changes in Usangu wetlands and preparation of land cover maps
  • Positions held: Remote Sensing and Spatial Trends Analysis
  • Activities performed: Land-cover and land-use interpretation from a time series of the aerial photo; Mapping, LU/LC change in relation to demographic changes

Urban design  and institutional master planning:


Urban design  and institutional master planning

  • Name of assignment or project: Institutional Master Plan and engineering works Muhimbili University –Mloganzila 3800 acres
  • Year: 2011 – September  2013
  • Client: the Muhimbili University of Health And Allied Sciences under the coordination of  Prof. Appolinary Kamuhabwa Email: apporug@yahoo.com, Phone:  0755576985
  • The main project features: Preparation of institutional master plan for MUHAS site Mloganzila, including utility plan.
  • Positions held: Coordinator for design and engineering works
  • Activities performed: coordinating sectoral experts in implementing the project from design to engineering stage.

Urban Projects  monitoring  and evaluation:


Database Development and Project Evaluation Management

  • Client: Cities Alliance through TACINE,  contact; email pmbogoro@gmail.com , 0754436494
  • Year: August 2011-2013
  • Position  held: Technical Advisor
  • Main project features: To prepare the Tanzania State of the Cities Report. Through database development, analysis and reporting

National Geographical Information System (GIS) strategy preparation for urban local governments

  • Name of assignment or project: preparation of GIS strategy for the use of urban local governments under the World Bank. local government  Support programme
  • Client: Presidents office-Local Government and Regional Administration; Contact Person: Charles Mariki , 0754980640, email: cmariki@gmail.com
  • Year: August 2016
  • Position  held: Expert and Facilitator
  • Main project features: to evaluate the implementation of GIS activities and related fields (revenue collection, infrastructure and urban planning); design strategy and steps, presentations to stakeholders in different forums, drawing of action plan and budget for strategy implementation.

Monitoring Urban Development Activities

  • Name      of      assignment      or      project:      Monitoring implementation of urban planning activities and GIS under the Urban local government Support programme and the funding of the World Bank.
  • Client: Presidents office - Local Government and Regional Administration,  subcontracted by the  EBF, who was the main consultant; Email: Mavura, 0717636832
  • Year: August 2015- 2016
  • Position  held: urban planning expert for regions in the lake zone
  • Main project features: To monitor the progress of activities related  to  urban  planning,  GIS,  and revenue  collection. Coaching and training local government staff. Advice on the capacity building requirements  to the Ministry (PMO- RALG)

Urban design and regularization:


Neighbourhood planning and organising for infrastructure spaces

  • Name of assignment or project: neighbourhood planning and negotiation for infrastructure spaces in Kibiti and Mlowo towns.
  • Year:  2011 to march 2014
  • Client: WaterAid and respective district councils (Mbozi and Rufiji), contact0755080249NicasPetro@wateraid.org
  • Main project features: facilitate the orderly development of land and provision of infrastructure in small towns through planning, generation for pubic paces, facilitate approval of plans
  • Position  held: analysts
  • Work performed: The work involved organising meetings with landowners, preparing detail (new neighbourhood and regularisation plans) plans, facilitating district staff to engage with landowners in planning and surveying, organising communities in cooperative surveying.

Out-growers Development   and Socio-economic studies:


Out-grower areas designation and community engagement

  • Name of assignment or project: Analysis of the potential for wheat out-grower development and development of TOR for 4years project intervention
  • Year: 2020 March  to June -Final report submitted
  • Client: AATIF through Eidevironment of the Netherlands: Rommert Schram  rommert@aidenvironment.org
  • Main project features: field data collections and literature review
  • Positions held: Development planner/field data collection and interview
  • Activities performed: inception reporting, preparation of data collections tools, development areas, data collection in the field, data analysis, reporting, TOR development

Outgrower areas designation and community engagement

  • Name of assignment or project: out-grower development and community in villages
  • Year: 2013-current
  • Client: IFAD/Bagamoyo Agro Eco-Energy Co. Ltd.
  • Contact: Anders Bergfors email; anders.bergfors@ecoenergy.co.tz, 0786533030/                Dr.Juma m.juma@ifad.org  (IFAD)0754536630
  • Main project features: land use planning and resettlement for out-grower areas
  • Positions held: Team Leader
  • Activities performed: Resource assessment, land use planning, institutional capacity building, land use conflict management and zoning areas for sugarcane out-growers in Bagamoyo, and negotiating villagers' resettlements in prosed sugarcane out-grower areas

Analysis of effective institutional structure for smallholder tea out- growers

  • Name of assignment or project: Analysis of effective institutional structure for smallholder tea growers  in Njombe and Mufindi Districts
  • Year: 2016/17 April
  • Client: IDH Netherlands
  • Contact: Sylvia Rutatina email; Rutatina@idhtrade.org , 0784551853
  • Main project features: tea stakeholders engagement
  • Positions held: assistant team leader
  • Activities performed: study design, official interviews, and fieldwork interviews institutional capacity assessment, report writing, presentation in stakeholders meetings.

Outgrower areas designation and community engagement

  • Name of assignment or project: Assessment of out-grower development potential and community engagement around Lukurilo farm
  • Year: 2018
  • Client: PKG group Indonesia/Lukuliro Estate: James Maynard 0769870123,jpgmaynard@me.com,
  • Main  project  features:     to  collect  land  and  agree  on feasibility and business   plan for the development of commercial  farming with processing activities   and out- grower development in Utete-Rufiji Tanzania
  • Positions  held:  community  engagement  and  land  use planner
  • Activities performed: field interviews for data collection and analysis on social-economic profiling of the area, assessment of land suitability and availability, soliciting commitment community and local government, land use designations for out-growers development and infrastructure

Assessment of Land and infrastructure policy issues in the SAGCOT area

  • Name of assignment or project: Assessment of Land and infrastructure policy issues in the SAGCOT area
  • Year: 2018
  • Client: Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor  of Tanzania Ltd. Policy section; Neema Lugangira 0752182208N.lugangira@sagcot.co.tz
  • Main project features:  to analyse policy issues on the state of  infrastructure  development,  access  and  coordination and land availability, and land access to large farms, out- growers and processor
  • Positions held: lead expert
  • Activities performed: study design, field interviews for data collection and analysis, team-leading in coordination with SAGCOT's government partners, validating findings in stakeholders’ workshop, report writing.

Land use and infrastructure  planning:


Land use sections

  • Name of assignment or project: Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor  of Tanzania (SAGCOT Area) Zonal land use plan
  • Year: 2014
  • Client: National Land-use Planning Commission (NLUPC)/Word Bank-private sector competitiveness project,  director-general dg@nlupc.org;  Modesty Kachubo:  kachubomr@gmail.com , 071511918
  • Main project features: Preparation of National (Tanzania) Land Use Plan,resource assessments/land cover changes, Land use analysis and planning, District and village land use planning guidelines
  • Positions held: The main consultant
  • Activities performed: Land-use sections, GIS works

Village Capacity building in GIS Training and land use planning


  • Name of assignment or project: Management of cross border natural resources in Selous-Niassa Wildlife Corridor
  • Year: 2005– 2006
  • Client: InWent (Capacity Building International, Germany) and later: Gauf Engineering  for KfW (Germany Development Bank)  project manager by then was the late Wayne Lotter
  • Main project features: Cross-border natural resource Management between Tanzania and Mozambique
  • Positions held: assistant to Tanzanian Coordinator
  • Activities performed: Training of villagers and local leaders on land rights and natural resource management. supporting the creation of cross border institutions up to the regional level and uncovering planning needs

National Land- use Planning Tanzania

  • Name of assignment or project: National Land Use Plan of Tanzania
  • Year: 2008
  • Client: National Land-use Planning Commission (NLUPC) contact  director-general dg@nlupc.org,  by then director was Mr G. Mango
  • Main project features: Preparation of National (Tanzania) Land Use Plan
  • Positions held: Land use Planner, GIS Expert
  • Activities performed: Land-use sections, GIS works

Strategizing for investors vs communities conflicts management around Burunge WMA

  • Name of assignment or project: Socio-economic study for community economic engagement and  poverty eradication to reduce resource conflicts around the Burunge Wildlife management area
  • Year: 2015-2016
  • Client: Pams Foundation, Krissie Clark , email krissie@pamsfoundation.org
  • Main project features: community profiling and business linkages identification for tourism-related opportunities
  • Position: Assistant team leader
  • Work performed: The work involved official interviews, fieldwork research, presentation,  reporting


Email: ally.namangaya@aru.ac.tz, namangaya@yahoo.com

Mobile: 0754574743